Sunday, September 20, 2009

Could He Be Cheating On Me? 5 Signs of a Cheater

It's every woman's biggest fear--Is her boyfriend cheating on her? Here are five signs to look for if you think your boyfriend could be cheating. Forget the "He- looked- at- that- chick- at- the- party- the- other- night" silly paranoia about your man cheating: here are some real warning signs to look for.

Is your boyfriend cheating on you? He might be--look for these five tell-tale signs if you suspect he's not being faithful to you.

1) Being unavailable and showing inconsistency when he is supposed to meet you. Is he ignoring you by not returning your calls, or not making any efforts to show up when you've already agreed to meet? If so, he may be seeing someone else. As soon as you notice any changes in his pattern of contacting you, be suspicious.

2) He's changed his appearance. Has your boyfriend gone from being a slob to a preppy overnight? Has he ditched his glasses for contact lenses or had LASIK surgery recently. Or maybe he's lost a lot of weight, or become a gym rat after being a couch potato for years? Any sudden changes like these should be a warning bell that he is either seeing someone else, or thinking about it. If your boyfriend is cheating on you, he might become a fashion plate after years of not caring about his appearance.
3) He's cheated on you in the past. Unfortunately, even though many swear upon their very lives that they would never cheat on you again, the fact that they once cheated makes it more likely that they will cheat again in the future.

4) He suddenly starts getting secretive. If he previously took all his phone calls in your presence, then suddenly starts leaving the room when he gets a call, you should wonder why he needs so much privacy all of a sudden. If your boyfriend is cheating on you, changes in behavior like this one are a big tip off.

5) He begins spending a lot of money, when he's been a tightwad. Has he bought a new sports car after being happy with a beat-up pickup truck for years? Is is buying Aramis when Old Spice has been plenty good enough in the past? Is he suddenly packing to go on business trips when he is a customer-service agent in a call center? Any changes in spending or travel habits should raise the alarm.
Is your boyfriend really cheating on you? Perhaps, perhaps not. Being armed with this list will help you be prepared to face this possibility. Even cheating doesn't mean your relationship is over if you know the steps to take to win back your man.

Jen Thomas writes on relationships and how to prevent breakups. For her best tips on how you can avoid breaking up or even how to get back together after a breakup, visit her site here. If you want to stay together, Jen has the answers for you--common sense stuff, no psychobabble here!
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