Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ignore My Ex to Get Them Back...What!

If you're like most people, if you've realized it was a mistake to break up with your ex, you will be DESPERATE and will do ANYTHING to win them back. This is a huge mistake! If you want to win back your ex, you have to learn to IGNORE them. What! Ignore them! Yes! Here's why:

If you've broken up with your loved one, the very best thing you can do to get back together with them is to IGNORE THEM. What you say? Ignore them? Yes, if you are serious about winning back your loved one, you need to ignore them. Here's why you need to do this, if winning back your loved one is the one thing you want most.

It seems counterintuitive that ignoring someone would bring you closer to them. But, yes, there is a method in this madness. Human nature being what it is, the thing you want the most is the thing you can't have, right? For example, what is more desirable, a beat up 1987 Ford Crown Victoria with rusted out fenders or a brand new shiny BMW convertible that sells for many thousands of dollars? Of course it's the BMW! Why? It's more desirable because BMW is a more upscale brand than Ford is; it has more features than the Ford does; it's a convertible; it's brand new, etc. One of the main reasons that the BMW is a more prestigious and desirable automobile is that it is very expensive, and therefore out of the reach of the average person. Not everyone can get one. So what does all this talk about cars have to do with winning back your loved one? Simple--what we can easily get isn't very desirable, but what is out of reach for us is highly desirable and worth working towards! If you can make yourself scarce,temporarily, you are on the right road to winning back your loved one.

After a break up, if you constantly call or text your ex, you are making yourself too available and therefore not as desirable. You are not going to win back your loved one this way; you are only going to succeed in driving them away from you for good. The way to win back your loved one is by being gracious and agreeing with them that the best thing you could do right now is take a break since things are not going well. Don't argue, and be very nice about it, even if your heart is breaking into a thousand pieces. This will immediately confuse them, as they will expect you to either a) become a screaming, finger-pointing accusatory jerk or b) plead and cry and whine for them not to break up with you. Then don't even think about contacting them for a while.

After your loved one has been given a little space, they will begin to remember all the good qualities about you and begin to miss you. Remember, they must be given time to miss you, so if you begin to contact them a day or two after the break up, they will likely become hostile towards you. Only after several weeks have passed without contact should you call them and thank them. Thank them? Thank them for what, you're asking? Thank them for breaking up with you of course! Thank them for breaking up with you, because now you see the problems that you were bringing into the relationship, and now you have an opportunity to work on these faults. Thank them again for giving you this opportunity to work on your problems, because now you won't have to bring these with you into your next relationship.

If this doesn't turn their head around, nothing will! Remember, people like to be the hunter more than they like being the prey. By letting your ex have some time to think without being harassed by phone or text message, and then only contacted to thank them for breaking up with you, they will begin to want to hunt you again. Be the desirable,difficult to obtain one, not the easily obtained junk that no one in their right mind would want. That's the right way towards winning back your loved one.

Jen Thomas writes on relationships and how to prevent breakups. For the best tips on how you can avoid breaking up or even how to get back together after a breakup, visit her site immediately help is there for you. If you want to stay together, Jen has the answers for you--common sense stuff, no psychobabble by so-called experts who haven't been out on a date for twenty years!

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