Saturday, September 26, 2009

Best Strategies to Win Your Sweetheart Back

 One of the worst things you can do after a break up is to overanalyze every little detail of what went wrong and endlessly obsessing over it. Here's how to get back on track to winning back your sweetheart, or even deciding if the relationship is worth pursuing.

Most people find themselves asking "What can I do to get my sweetheart back" following a breakup. One way to NOT get them back is to over-analyze every aspect of the relationship. Don't obsess over every little encounter, and worry about what you could have done differently. Don't start writing apology letters, sending endless text messages or bombarding your ex with phone calls if you are trying to win your ex back..

This is because there is not usually one singular reason for a break up. It is usually many small reasons over a period of time that lead to a break up. As well, you don't know at this point if there could be external factors for your break up. For instance, a friend or family member may have given your sweetheart misleading information about you. Your sweetheart's cousin's best friend may have seen you having lunch with a strange woman or man and passed this information on to your sweetheart, not realizing this "mystery person" was your sister or brother. Emotion can overrule common sense, and set the stage for a break up. Or it could even be for a petty reason such as you didn't pick up your socks despite being asked to over and over again. It could be just about anything that triggers a break up.

The first strategy to answer the question about "what can I do to get my sweetheart back" is to stop obsessing about the relationship for a while, and put your energy into something else. Go out, work on your golf swing, volunteer, make friends, have fun, network, and forget about getting into any kind of a relationship at this point, except a better one with yourself.

Give yourself a couple of months and make changes in your life. Take some time away from your ex and make gradual changes in your life. After taking some time away from you ex, you will know in your heart if rekindling the relationship is the right thing for you. Time gives clarity like nothing else can.

If you decide after some time away that you really do want to get your sweetheart back, you must use some strategy. Do not beg, do not plead, do not act needy at this time. Continue to play it cool, because you will make your ex desire you more if you're not too easily obtainable. Keep doing the activities that you've come to enjoy over the separation period, because you grow as a person because of them, and your ex will see this. Your ex will see the changes for the better in you, and rethink your relationship.

It will quickly become apparent if getting back together with your sweetheart is the right thing to do at this point. Quit over-analyzing what you can do to get your sweetheart back; take things slowly and all will be well. Trust your own intuition and judgment. Don't overanalyze the past too much, , because over analyzing will prevent you from performing the right action.When it comes to "What can I do to get my sweetheart back," take things slow and easy, and you'll come to the right decision as to your future together.

Jen Thomas writes on relationships and how to prevent breakups. For her best tips on how you can avoid breaking up or even how to get back together after a breakup, visit her site []here. As well, check out Jen's blog []Stay Together Now. If you want to stay together, Jen has the answers for you--common sense stuff, no psychobabble here!

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