Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Women: Can Men Ever Make Them Happy?

You have to pity men a little. To them, it seems like they can never figure out women, despite their best tries and intentions. This is because women just aren't as straight-forward and consistent as men are in their behavior--that's what makes us alluring, too! But here's a little straight-from-the-hip advice for men about women.

Men often wonder the age old question: Just how do you keep a woman happy? Here is some truly relevant advice on relationships for men that you can start using today.

Be yourself. Women aren't at all impressed with braggarts that drone on and on about how they made the winning catch in their high school football championship twenty years ago, and they don't want to hear about how many horsepower your sports car has either. They have absolutely no interest in hearing about the time you decked that other guy at the bar. Do you ever wonder why you often see a so-so looking guy with a beautiful woman? He has her because he has self-confidence and doesn't feel the need to endlessly brag about his past exploits. He takes the time to listen to her, and doesn't try to monopolize every conversation by bragging out his greatness. Listen, guys: when you have to brag a little too much, you're just not very believable and that's a big turn off.

Women appreciate when you do little things for them. Offer to take her car for an oil change or pick up her favorite candy bar when you're at the grocery store. You don't always need to go all out and break your bank account wining and dining.Over the course of a long relationship, the little things mean far more to women than "grand gestures" that are few and far between.

Do you want to really turn off your woman? Well, then make sure you take every opportunity to ogle every woman that you see. Women really don't like feeling like they need to compete with every other woman on the street just to capture your attention. When you do this, she is going to feel that you are comparing her to the other ladies, and she is coming out on the short end of the stick. Sure, men are going to look at other women--that's a natural fact. But at least be discrete when you are with your lady; don't swivel your head around like an owl.

Make her laugh. Nothing is sexier to a woman than a man who can make her laugh. Women will take a man who make her smile over the humorless-hunk type every time. Women are in relationships for the long haul. They can imagine themselves still laughing at your jokes in forty years, but when glamor-boy's looks start to fade (and they will), women can't see themselves saddled with someone who they don't find amusing.

Just because you've landed the girl, doesn't mean that you can let yourself go to seed. Women like men who bathe regularly, and maybe even put on a little cologne. Most women hate going in for a kiss only to have their face feel like it was scratched with sandpaper, so do shave. Oh, and just so you know, women like when you make an attempt to look stylish, too. If you have the same look you did in junior high, it's time for a change. She'll appreciate all your efforts in the grooming department.

Family and friends are very important to women. If you can't impress her friends and family, your relationship is headed for trouble. She needs to know that her friends and family approve of your relationship with her, so make an effort to get along with her parents, and act pleasant towards her friends, even if they are on the annoying side.

Be open to trying some new things to keep your relationship fresh. Don't automatically say "No!" every time she wants to try something like salsa dancing. When you are at the beginning of a relationship, everything is wonderful and new. If you keep the same old routine, the relationship can begin to get stale. Surprise her once in a while and treat her to a new, fun activity. Shake it up occasionally, and your relationship will reap the benefits of it.

Jen Thomas writes on relationships and how to prevent breakups. For her best tips on how you can avoid breaking up or even how to get back together after a breakup, visit her site here. If you want to stay together, Jen has the answers for you--common sense stuff, no psychobabble here!

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1 comment:

  1. All these advices are great, but you forgot one important thing:

    What have she done to deserve these small things?

    Women love these because they'll feel good (that's great!) but why don't you write a word about how to make HIM good? Very few womens compliments me, and when they're doing that they score BIG. I want to feel good, too!

    here is my advice to mens:
    Make her deserve YOU.
    Be sure that you can stop her if she freaks out.
    Never supplicate her without rewards. (in the beginning)
    Always make her fear that you'll loose her, that's healty for the relationships. Yes that's sick but it's true. Womens barely manage to enjoy what she have, so you'll need to show her that you can walk from her. Too keep somebody is to make they'll feel what they can loose.

    (MENS: if you find yourself supplicate MORE that HER, find somebody else! NOW!)

    Fuck you, we are MEN, we CONQUER!
    you can only do one thing: Sit and wait for male attention! :)

    Look at yourself, what can you as a woman give the man?

    My demands:
    * make me feel good.
    * accept me for what I am.
    * horny as hell.
    * manage to tell me what she need/want from me so I can make our relationship better.
    * fun and openminded.
    * beauty is not important, I go after the personality.
    * inspire me

    Have she these good things, I'll gladly accept some of her bad sides, for nobody is perfect.

    For a half year ago I got into a uncomfortable situation with a women. She is cute but she didn't accepted ME. I wasn't sure of her, so I gave her a chance: A short moment of insecurity to reveal my inner self to her. I need to feel comfortable with her. She didn't react good. Shall I accept that I'll may never be comfortable with her? Fuck no!

    The sex/relationship will never be good if the woman/man cannot show each together the inner core of their own soul. Really closeness is difficult.

    I met her two months later, she had changed to a soft and femine woman who are ready for a relationship. To bad that she lost me, I have moved on, she haven't done anything to deserve me. :)

    yes, it's totally the opposite of what you propose, but how can it be a healty relationship when the woman is only the demanding one?
