Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Keep Him Happy At Home

Ever wonder how to keep your man happy at home and prevent him from straying? It's not that tough! Men need to feel admired by their woman to feel loved! Read on to find out how you can stop your man from being seduced by the charms of another woman:

If your man has strayed into the arms of another woman, you are no doubt devastated, but also wondering why. When a man enters into an affair, it is seldom, if ever, all about sex. If a man is happy at home, he is far less tempted by another woman who flirts with him a little. The key to keeping your man happy and content at home? Give him your admiration!

Men thrive on keeping their women happy. When a woman displays consistent unhappiness about her life in general, her man feels like a failure. Why? The traditional role of a man is to provide for his wife and children, and whether or not his wife's unhappiness has anything at all to do with his ability to provide for his family, he feels like a failure if his wife is not content. When a woman consistently displays a dissatisfied attitude, a man begins to wonder where he has gone wrong. He begins to give up on the relationship. Soon, if his woman's attitude doesn't improve, he will begin to seek out one who will provide the ego-stroking that he needs.

When a woman is so pre-occupied with her own needs that she forgets to show admiration for her man, she is setting herself up for heartbreak. A man wants to feel that he is admired by his woman for his looks, for his brains, for his ability to provide a happy home for her. When he feels this way, he wants to do even greater things for his woman. How do you make a man feel admired and happy at home? Well, you don't have to buy him a Porsche, or anything extreme like that.

How about greeting him with a hug and a kiss when he comes home, instead of snapping at him that he forgot to pick up the dry cleaning again? Or tell him that he smells great when he gets out of the shower? How about telling him that the steak he barbecued for you last night was the best one you've ever eaten? Little things mean so much, yet we don't take the time to show our admiration and appreciation for those whom we love. If you don't take the time to express your admiration for your man in these small was, you are setting him up to fall all over the office flirt who giggles and tells him what a great presentation he just made.

The physical side of love is a very important aspect of showing your admiration for your man as well. Not just by having sex with him, but by showing your interest in what he is saying by lightly placing your hand on his arm while he speaks. Taking his hand while you are walking in public shows the world how proud you are of him, and how much you treasure his company. Hold him close and tell him that you love him as you doze off to sleep every night.

Let your man know how much you love and admire him on a regular basis. Of course, life gets us all down at times, but displaying a sour attitude every time he is around makes him vulnerable to the charms of other women. If he has already cheated on you, your relationship can be saved. The old adage "once a cheater, always a cheater" just isn't true if you are both determined to get to the core of your problems.

Jen Thomas writes on relationships at her blog Stay Together Now. Even if you or your partner has cheated on the other, it's not too late to mend your broken relationship and be happy together again. For immediate help in salvaging your relationship, click here to instantly download the best, most practical advice you have ever read on saving your relationship.

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